Canada's 1st Raw & Regenerative Potting Soil

Last fall, thanks to a federal research grant, we set out to make Canada’s first-ever climate friendly potting soil.

We knew that in order to do this, we would have to adhere to the following criteria:

  • No peat moss (mining peat bogs for potting soil is a massive contributor to climate change)
  • No coconut coir (transporting this material from tropical countries creates a large carbon footprint)
  • Made entirely of Canadian inputs (the more local, the better)
  • Made from upcycled ingredients (to align with our Zero Waste brand mission)
  • Had to work as well as, or better, than the other premium potting soils on the market
It was a tall order for a small company like ours, however our ability to innovate and iterate has proven to be an advantage as today we are proudly announcing Jocelyn’s Soil Booster Raw & Regenerative Potting Soil.

    Our Raw & Regenerative Potting Soil is known as a living soil, which means the product has been formulated to keep the biology intact, so that these microbes can work with your plant the way Nature intended. Both indoor and outdoor container plants will benefit from having these microbes available to provide on-demand nutrition. Most potting mixes are sanitized or inert, meaning that they have no biology in them, so you have to continue adding amendments to ensure the plant has what it needs. Our Raw & Regenerative Potting Soil will nourish your plants all season long, so you don’t have to buy expensive additional fertilizers or supplements.

    Man adding more Jocelyn's Soil Booster potting soil to pots of outdoor plants

    Why was it difficult to develop a potting soil without peat or coir? Why are we the only brand in Canada able to make these claims? I’d like to say it’s because we care more about the planet than other brands, however, the primary reason is that both peat & coir are inexpensive, light, fluffy materials that hold water and have a neutral pH, making them great base ingredients for traditional potting mix. Large soil companies aren’t concerned with the detrimental effects of their products, as we know that their bottom line always comes first.

    Woman adding Jocelyn's Soil Booster potting soil to pot for indoor plantWastenot Farms, Jocelyn’s Soil Booster parent company, is proudly a triple-bottom line business and the negative environmental effects of traditional potting soil weighed heavily on us. We found a substitute for traditional peats/coirs in our vermi-composted wood chips, which provide the same water-retention and neutral capabilities as traditional materials but without the environmental degradation.

    It’s an all-in-one solution for those with limited space and an environmental conscience. All that needs to be added is plants, water and sunlight and you'll be growing healthier plants, healthier people and a healthier planet.